Monday, January 4, 2010

Crappy Underexposed Video of the Disco Bus

According to the Mayan and Fundy Christians, the end of Times is upon us, brethren. The end of the year was an imminent event even more certain, so a cowboy we met in San Andres Tuxtlan showed us around town. This was one of the ways he thought may provide insight into the spirit of the younger folks who are celebrating the New Year.
Ah, hell, who can say no to a loud as shit, 50000 LED, pulsating and flashing, double-decker bus rolling disco with a commanding view of the Nativity scene in the main Plaza ( El Zocalo)?
Not Me. Not Don.
Yes, we tried to say no.

1 comment:

  1. What's bugging you Skeeter?
    Glad to see a blog post. I was wondering how you rang in the new year. The Disco Bus looks like a good choice.
